For routine prescription refills, please call not less than five days before your prescription runs out and only during normal weekday business hours. A physician will approve the refill, if appropriate. There will be no prescription refills after hours or on weekends or holidays.

We feel it is very important and in your best interest to have communication between you and all of your health care providers for all of your health care needs. For example; If you have recently been to the Dentist for a "toothache" or to the Chiropractor for a "backache". We would like to be kept informed. Also, please notify us if another physician changes your medications or you are scheduled for a surgery.

* Please do not run out of your medications. Be sure to discuss any medication issues with your provider and request refills no less than five days prior to running out or when you are present for your next appointment. We reserve the right to refuse any medication at any time.